Outdoor Gear & Equipment Rentals Estes Park
When you have your heart set on a backpacking or trekking adventure, it might be too expensive to go out and buy all of the gear without knowing if you will enjoy the activity. Kirks Mountain Adventures offers outdoor gear & equipment rentals in Estes Park which includes hiking gear, backpacking gear, and snowshoes. We have everything that you will need to make any adventure into one to remember!
Summer Rentals
Bear Canister | Free w/ Any Purchase! or $3/night |
Child Carrier | $15/day |
Winter Rentals
MSR or Atlas Snowshoes - Men's, women's and children's |
$10/day |
Poles |
$6/day |
Gaiters | $5/day | |
Microspikes | $10/day | |
Plastic & Foam Sleds (1-2 person) |
$7/day |